Schoolboy Dream

This is my personal favourite of the song lyrics Derek Collins wrote, under the pen-name of David Anthony.

Schoolboy Dream

I looked into his eyes as he turned towards the mirror
And he couldn’t really hide it, ’cause the pain was getting clearer;
As you turned to shut him out of yet another situation
He said something in a murmer, then went off towards the station,
And I tried hard not to listen, but I’m sure I heard him say,

“If I thought it was more than a schoolboy dream,
A trick of the sun on a silver screen,
If I thought it was more than a wish from a well,
I’d be walking beside you today.”

He went from town to city in some desperate search for freedom
And he sang his song for ladies who would never really need him,
But their eyes would always draw him on like storm-lights in a harbour,
And he’d always come down crying on some dirty sidewalk later.
And if they ever stopped to listen, then I know they’d hear him say,

“If I thought it was more than a schoolboy dream,
A trick of the sun on a silver screen,
If I thought it was more than a wish from a well,
I’d be walking beside you today.”

The highway twists and wanders like some Eden-seeking serpent,
And night comes down to drown him in its all-concealing curtain.
And once again he’s drawn into another world of vision:
A murder on a hilltop and some distant sense of mission.
And talking in his sleep, the lady thought she heard him say,

“If I thought it was more than a schoolboy dream,
A trick of the sun on a silver screen,
If I thought it was more than a wish from a well,
I’d be walking beside you today.”

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